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Steven Moffat

Moffat's Casanova / 16.07.09

I believe that my Sherlockian hat is the only one I haven’t yet talked through for NTS, so you’ll just have to take my word for it about my excitement that Steven Moffat & Mark Gatiss’s long-trailed Sherlock Holmes contemporary drama has been acknowledged by the BBC. I’m just slightly pleased that what’s effectively a sequel to the magnificent Jekyll, staring my favourite literacy characters, is in the works. Not even the superhero vibe that the series is purported to adopt can dampen my mood- I’m part of the certain group of Holmes fans who positively enjoy seeing their hero reshaped to the demands of other genres. Plus, if Russell T Davies’ Italian tale is anything to judge by, we’ll be getting an early preview of Benedict Cumberbatch’s twelfth Doctor…