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Thank you, Mr. Miner

Just a heads up for a new specialist music blog that is already probably the Best I’ve Seen.

It’s Mr. Miner’s Phish Thoughts, which, as you might guess, is dedicated to the music of Phish. Each post features extended (and quite intelligent) ruminations on the mp3s posted for download. Sometimes you’ll get an entire show, sometimes you’ll get several very different versions of the same song, sometimes you’ll get jam-only edits, and sometimes you’ll get side-projects.

The music of Phish was always magical because of how amazingly different they could sound from one night to the next. The nature of this blog helps to capture that “anything can happen” vibe very well, and it’s a great place for new fans to start.

In fact, if you want to know if Phish is the band for you, go download the batch of files called Miner’s Picks: Summer ‘99. I specifically recommend the Ghost / Slave to the Traffic Light combo. Load it into your iPod, lay down in the dark, and get ready for some of the best, loosest, spaciest jamming you’ve ever heard.

(And just in case you didn’t know, all audeince-recorded Phish material is free and legal to trade. Yet another example of why this band was so excellent.)

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