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As if the night couldn’t get any better after Chelsea’s group nervous breakdown, I see this via Twitter:

charltonbrooker Worst videogame bosses ever? Email yr suggestions to gameswipe at zeppotron dot com. Make what you will of that email address.

Oh, Charlie, you prick tease.

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I think he’s looking to swipe some games.

Seb Patrick's picture

By Seb Patrick
May 07, 2009 @ 3:36 pm

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(Can’t imagine it being anything more than a one-off special, though.)

By Julian Hazeldine
May 07, 2009 @ 6:39 pm

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The most important question, of course, is whether or not CB has Kieron Gillen’s phone number.

Seb Patrick's picture

By Seb Patrick
May 07, 2009 @ 8:21 pm

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Charlie Brooker once posted in the same internet forum thread as me. How’s that for a claim to fame?

And while I’m on the subject of gratuitous Rllmukforum links… Two posts later is biglime, one of the Consolevania/VideoGaiden people who appeared on the games episode of Screenwipe.

And since you brought up Kieron Gillen, I can’t resist mentioning that he and Steven Poole also post on said forum. Their recent face-off against nutcase “Alex (“Icycalm”, “Cryptogay”) Kierkegaard” on the subjects of games reviewing, George Orwell, Jean Baudrillard, and quantum mechanics was a sight to behold… until it was deleted. :(

On-topic: Gameswipe CONFIRMED!

Nick R's picture

By Nick R
May 08, 2009 @ 6:36 pm

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Charlie Brooker once posted in the same internet forum thread as me. How’s that for a claim to fame?

He once held two doors open for me.

Also, from that link:

Telly companies Endemol and Zeppotron confirmed as much to IncGamers,

Endemol AND Zeppotron, you say? Wow.

By Ian Symes
May 08, 2009 @ 7:28 pm

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>Worst videogame bosses ever?

Reggie Fils-Aime is in my bad books, for not greenlighting the western version of Mask of the Lunar Eclipse.

By Julian Hazeldine
May 08, 2009 @ 8:58 pm

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Anyone else a little disappointed that Brooker, supposed arch-enemy of trendy television fads and corporate groupthink, has started branding all his programmes by putting the word “wipe” at the end of them? I mean, “Screenwipe” made sense because there was such a thing as a “screen wipe” that Brooker was alluding to, but “Newswipe” and “Gameswipe” don’t without the name of the original to provide the branding identity.

Now, whilst I think the idea of a games-based programme hosted by Brooker is a great idea (especially because Brooker is one of the few media people with an interest in video games that realises they have a history before the Playstation that isn’t Mario and Sonic) I’m not sure I’d want to see it as an extension of Zeppotron’s/the BBC’s effort to try and spread the “Screenwipe” brand too thinly. I can’t help but suspect that this new show might be more of Brooker intoning sarcastically about “this is what most videogames are like” before going on one of his stream-of-conciousness “rants” whilst some 24-year-old hoping to move onto bigger things stretches his acting skills by pretending to be the “average gamer” in front of a giant screen. Wouldn’t it be nice if it were a show that looked and felt like something completely new and completely focused rather than just a spin-off of “Screenwipe”, an extended version of that spot where Brooker talked about “Resident Evil” from a couple of years ago? Cuz I can’t help but think that that’s what we’ll get and I think Brooker has it in him to make something a lot better than that.

Zagrebo's picture

By Zagrebo
May 10, 2009 @ 9:09 pm

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I wouldn’t necessarily have a problem with Brooker doing Gameswipe in the same style, as I think it’s generally a very good format - and cost-effective to make, too, which is important when you’re on the kind of budget he’s presumably working with.

But I do think that Brooker sometimes goes for the easy joke or observation, which jars somewhat with the sections he does which analyse things *properly*. This is at least somewhat negated by the huge self-deprecating streak he has as well, of course…

John Hoare's picture

By John Hoare
May 10, 2009 @ 11:45 pm

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whilst some 24-year-old hoping to move onto bigger things stretches his acting skills by pretending to be the “average gamer” in front of a giant screen.

There’s very rarely any actual actors in CB’s stuff - it’s all members of the production team.

By Ian Symes
May 11, 2009 @ 9:57 am

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