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Not AGAIN! It's Kettering 6!

It's that time again, folks! Peter Gordon has waved his magic software and produced another tribute to elderly British comedy. In this issue;

KENNETH WILLIAMS' lost show, A Tribute To Greatness, rediscovered

I'M SORRY I HAVEN'T A CLUE - A look back over the whole ruddy lot, with interviews from Graeme Garden and Barry Cryer

LET'S BOMB RUSSIA - The decline of Conservative satire

FRANK RANDLE - A look back at his film career

THE DOCTOR FILMS A film-by-film review

Essential reading for any students of British comedy, or if you just fancy a damned good read. Order here.

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>Plus salutes to the comedy stylings of Roy Kinnear, Peter Sellers, Vivian Stanshall and many more.

Nice. Did you happen to know that the Bonzos get a specific verbal mention on the new Who album? That was kind of cool.

Would it be out of line to ask which pieces of yours are featured in this issue, Tanya?

By Philip J Reed, VSc
January 28, 2007 @ 12:52 am

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>Nice. Did you happen to know that the Bonzos get a specific verbal mention on the new Who album? That was kind of cool.

That's very very cool.

>Would it be out of line to ask which pieces of yours are featured in this issue, Tanya?

I've done the Doctor films review. I can always be trusted to pick up the Light Entertainment fluff ;)

By Tanya Jones
January 28, 2007 @ 11:54 am

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