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(you)Tube Trumpet

As you may be aware, the third episode of Armando Ianucci's political satire Time Trumpet was last week pulled from the schedule and replaced with Episode 4. Episode 3 was eventually shown this week, but was reportedly missing the following footage for reasons best left to your own imagination:

BBC Terrorism Awards

(Hint, it's either the plane crash or the murdered Prime Minister)

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It was the Prime Minister bit that was missing.

By John Hoare
August 26, 2006 @ 3:43 am

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Typical, here I was wondering if they'd just been too sensitive about planes and stuff after the TERROR ALERTS and it turns out not to be the case. The BBC should grow a pair.

Though, given how it was previously made into a whipping boy as a result of having the gall to say something that the government objects to, I can understand their hesitation to piss off THE MAN again.

By James H
August 26, 2006 @ 3:52 am

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YouTube is just being ridiculously slow at the moment - and they've been having problems over the last few days.

I wonder if they're having problems scaling...

By John Hoare
August 28, 2006 @ 3:14 am

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