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I'm sorry about this; I didn't intend to write about Big Brother 9, and I doubt I'll continue to, but one event on Saturday has annoyed me to the point of it giving me a TUMMY UPSET, so, let's face it, I need to vent.

The sham marriage of Stephanie and Mario gave rise to stag and hen parties, with separate areas for each provided by Big Brother. Given that Stephanie's performance as Mario's fake girlfriend was less than convincing, there was a group who had expressed their doubt over the couple's relationship and forthcoming wedding. Fair enough, especially as Steph had confessed to Alex that she didn't even fancy Mario and that he got on her nerves. As this is BB, this same group also suspected that the relationship was a BB task (it's part of one; the relationship is a cover story for Mario and Lisa to conceal their real-life relationship from the housemates, as if they fail, they, Steph and Luke are up for eviction, and if they succeed, the other housemates are up instead). Again, this is perfectly reasonable. So, if they suspect the wedding to be a task, which Steph and Mario have to go along with to prevent being up for eviction, why, when Mario made the last-ditch attempt to avoid detection by banning anyone who didn't believe in the marriage from the stag and hen parties, did Alex, Sylvia and Dennis (the most vocal of the doubters) throw a massive sulk? Surely it doesn't matter if they go or not?

But this isn't the event which really annoyed me. Oh no. I'm just setting up the context. Alex and Sylvia didn't have the warmest reception ever going into the house, because, in a rather unfortunate quirk of casting, they are both clones of Charley Uchea from last year's BB, a mouthy, disagreeable and ignorant tosser who seemed to fulfill the stereotype perpetuated by tabloids for black women. Alex and Sylvia, rather depressingly, have done nothing to alter this, despite Sylvia having escaped Sierra Leone's civil war at the age of 10 and so was obviously included in the hope that her experience might have made her a more rounded individual than the bog-standard contestant. It hasn't. Both Alex and Sylvia have so far proved themselves to be exactly like their entry pieces suggest; mouthy, disagreeable and ignorant. Not only that, but they've formed an alliance, firstly to 'find out' Mario and Steph (not a Herculean task, to be honest, but it was interesting to see Steph confessing to Alex her revulsion towards her 'boyfriend', and then Sylvia confronting Steph in the bedroom afterwards, with Dennis, who, again, performing to stereotype, has joined the two bitchest housemates), then to take that anger out on BB when they were called to the Diary Room to put on bunny outfits for the party. Alex, a grown woman, had previously made herself hoarse by yelling to BB to let her into the Diary Room, and demanded medicine for that when she was finally let in. BB, with a smile in her voice, suggested that if Alex was that worried about her voice, she should 'quieten down'.

But I STILL haven't got to the main feature. Whilst all this was happening, the stag party was in full flow, with Mikey enjoying himself emmensely. Mikey is blind, which probably makes him a favourite to win anyway, but he's got the killer combination of being a nice person and a quirky personality to boot. Yes, he's another Pete. Alex and Sylvia decided that they weren't going to wear the bunny outfits, so Mikey dragged Dennis and Dale in to wear them instead. All went well until Mikey got in the bathtub with Mario, and managed to locate Sylvia's knickers in the bathroom. As Mikey has a self-confessed liking for women's clothing (and was quite over-excited), he decided to put them on over the outfit. He was discovered by Alex and Sylvia. They went apeshit.

And here we reach the point of this rant. The 'R' word. Alex and Sylvia had decided that Mikey had 'disrespected' them by putting on what, for him, would have been an anonymous pair of knickers. Fuck knows what it had to do with Alex, but she doesn't have a track record of minding her own business, so off she went, hoarseness notwithstanding, claiming things had just gone 'too far'. To be fair, Mikey didn't help his case by telling Sylvia to 'fuck off', enabling her to scramble to some very unstable moral high ground, but if you were blind and confronted by two screaming harpies, I expect you'd have a similar reaction. This was annoying enough, obviously, but what really got me was the conversation outside after Mikey had changed out of the costume. Sylvia (who was the only one to have any right at all to feel upset) had shut up by this point, allowing Alex to go on and on about refusing to 'patronise' Mikey by attempting to see his point of view. Alex didn't seem to realise that talking about Mikey in the third person whilst he was standing LESS THAN A METRE AWAY was perhaps the most patronising thing she could do, and her efforts to talk over his explanation were nothing short of disgraceful.

Well, woop-de-do, you might say. Par for the course on BB, surely? The thing is, BB have rather fucked things up when it comes to regulating housemates' behaviour; remember the 'zero tolerance' policy Davina went on about on Thursday, and Emily's departure last year? It appears that while racial slurs are (rightly) frowned upon, BB doesn't bother to intervene when the discrimination is more subtle. Emily's eviction wasn't about her discriminating, it was about BB picking up on the 'N' word rather like a browser filter, refusing to consider any context (Emily was being a tit, not a racist), after the mess that was Shilpagate. There's also an argument that BB shouldn't intervene at all, which I hold with, as it's been proved that interference is hugely influenced by the stupidly obvious and therefore not effective. I also think BB have contributed to the mess by casting two unpleasant black women (no unpleasant black men, you'll notice), despite the statistical odds of at least one nice black woman turning up to the auditions.

And so Alex and Sylvia demand respect. I've talked about this to two people who watched Saturday's programme with me, and their reaction was 'Why is it that those who deserve respect the least demand it the most?'. Most people I know can recall someone who demanded respect despite not showing any themselves, and it's interesting how the meaning of the word is often altered for their benefit; what they're demanding is not so much respect, rather than blind, unquestioning obedience. Presumably Alex and Sylvia have had experience of being 'disrespected', and, not being black, I can't speculate on how this affects their lives, but this doesn't give them a right to demand respect from others whilst behaving like those others aren't worthy of licking shit from their shoes. What is really scary is that Alex is a mother, and although becoming a mum at 14 is certainly not easy by any standards (I'm over twice that age and the thought still terrifies me), what is she teaching her child? That you scream until you're hoarse to get what you want? That you continue to scream when you see something that challenges you? I wouldn't mind betting that Mikey's sexuality troubles them, but they don't feel they can say that openly, therefore the wild overreaction to 'the knicker incident'. I'm guessing Alex isn't doing herself many favours in general on BB, but I'm troubled that the audience may overlook that very worrying behaviour of hers and Sylvia's in the keenness to see how the first BB plot turns out, because for me it's simply a sideshow to the real story; how a certain section of the UK's population see no problem in demanding respect without repaying the favour, and how respect has been confused with fear for some people. Considering the unusually high murder rate of young people in the UK recently (with at least some cases connected to the perpertrator perceiving a lack of 'respect'), BB probably has more to teach us than we realise. Perhaps we all need Mikey to win.

About this entry


Abso. Fucking. Lutely. Spot on.

> until Mikey got in the pool with Mario

I think it was the bathtub, in fact.

We'll pause for a moment to consider the respect being shown by someone who leaves their old pants lying around a communal bathroom.

> 'Why is it that those who deserve respect the least demand it the most?'

I think you've just answered your own question...

By Andrew
June 09, 2008 @ 11:41 am

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>I think it was the bathtub, in fact

Ah yes, of course. Reading back, that sentence doesn't make much sense! MUST. STOP. RED. MIST.

By Tanya Jones
June 09, 2008 @ 12:05 pm

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Yep, you've hit the nail on the head there, Tanya. I was hugely disturbed by that whole affair. I really hope that cunt Alex gets voted out as soon as possible because I can imagine Sylvia being much better without her poison.

By Jonathan Capps
June 09, 2008 @ 1:06 pm

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>I didn't intend to write about Big Brother 10

BB9 isn't it?

By Pete Martin
June 09, 2008 @ 1:49 pm

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Gah! *curses red mist*

By Tanya Jones
June 09, 2008 @ 1:55 pm

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I'm pleased the wedding task is done and dusted, anyway. It was excellent, but it was all starting to degrade into a histerical shouting match by the end. I would've preferred the rest of the house to be up for nomination, if only to improve the chances of Alex going away as quickly as possible.

By Jonathan Capps
June 10, 2008 @ 1:22 am

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DREADFUL backpeddling with her attitude to Mikey tonight. All-talk, two-faced...but she'll have to wait for Steph to be booted first.

By Andrew
June 10, 2008 @ 2:45 am

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Good article from a blind BBC journalist about Mikey;

By Tanya Jones
June 10, 2008 @ 3:19 pm

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> when Mario made the last-ditch attempt to avoid detection by banning anyone who didn't believe in the marriage from the stag and hen parties

That made me laugh. Do you seriously think BB would have allowed housemates to be 'banned' from the wedding when they needed all their reactions??

Alex is the only one who's nasty in any real way. Sylvia will be a good housemate when Alex goes. Until then they will be the typical BB 'evil bullying' group that has existed in practically every series, for the last few at least. Mario is also a bit of an idiot though and Michael is NO angel. They both stirred the situation and fed Alex which was a big mistake.

Incidentally I think they were wrong to put Michael in there. Not because they shouldn't give a blind person a chance but because it means an automatic win for him due to sympathy. They've put the other HMs in such a shit situation where they don't stand a chance of beating him. He won't get a single nomination. Even if he was up he wouldn't be voted out. He has a free pass to the final and then by that stage no-one else will 'deserve' to win it above him because in the end he is blind and they are not, so what he has done over the 13 weeks is automatically more of an achievement.

The only way he could lose is if he was a girl, because girls don't win this unless they're pretending to be men (Kate Lawler, Nadia) or involved in race rows.

By performingmonkey
June 10, 2008 @ 9:43 pm

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The cheering when Mario, Lisa, Luke and Steph were put up for eviction was a bit nasty, I thought, but then there's been an awful lot of housemates who have taken this task very personally, for some reason. I dearly hope Alex is now given a task where she has to lie to avoid eviction; we'll see how 'real' she can keep things then. She really is foolish, setting herself up as the mouthpiece for more canny housemates such as Sylvia.

By Tanya Jones
June 10, 2008 @ 9:44 pm

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Mikey's going to be really interesting; I'm still trying to figure out how much of his vunerability is put on. It is possible that his disability will overshadow people like Lisa, who really understands the game and does very well at playing it. Mario's also disappointed me by being a twat over Mikey.

By Tanya Jones
June 10, 2008 @ 10:48 pm

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Mikey's Pete-esque easy ride - which is likely, though he'll certainly get nominations sooner or later - doesn't bother me in the slightest. If the competition mattered, I might feels differently, but these days it really, really doesn't. It'll affect the internal drama (which is fine), but I'm not watching for the vote. It's the reactions that fascinate, and you get those no matter who's up.

By Andrew
June 10, 2008 @ 10:51 pm

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God, I'm hooked on this show for the first time since BB2!

a) *Beautiful* bit of editing tonight, with the show starting and ending on Kat's cookies rant. Brilliant. It never ceases to amaze me how well they manage to turn round not just a show in 24 hours, but a really well structured one. (Big Brother him/herself is hilarious this year too - "Big Brother will not be supplying you with any more cookies.")

b) Alex is worse than Charley, and I didn't think that was possible. The worst thing is that you know that she won't come out of the experience having learnt anything. How anybody gets as bad as that I don't know, although what we've heard about her mother suggests a lot, as armchair psychologist as it sounds.

c) Dennis is a bloody idiot. FOR NINE SERIES TASKS HAVE BEEN REWARDED WITH FOOD AND DRINK. Why the *hell* would it be another task? Note that it's SO stupid that the show has to COMPLETELY break its own conventions and have Marcus Bentley chip in in the middle to explain that the picnic is *not* a task, which they rarely - if ever - do.

d) Mario is a dick. He's pissed away all the goodwill I had for him by being a sanctimonious idiot.

By John Hoare
June 12, 2008 @ 12:15 am

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Poor Rachel. I wanted her to have her picnic! Dennis is a moron. And I've actually gone from hating Alex to just feeling a bit sorry for her; it all changed when she talked about her mum, and when she sat around the house looking genuinely upset. But, yeah, I'm not sure she'll learn anything either, which is a real shame.

By Tanya Jones
June 12, 2008 @ 12:23 am

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> How anybody gets as bad as that I don't know,

I suspect that, because she's read a couple of psychoanalysis books (or got the gist of them from her mother anyway), she's developed a self-contained notion of the way the world works, which she has found affirmed and approved at different times. Unfortunately popular opinion doesn't tend to show how flawed psychoanalysis (or indeed any technique that provides simple "solutions" to the world's complexities) is. She's incredibly arrogant because she's unaware of how little she knows! She can't communicate well enough to say what she means, and considers her perspective to be one of enlightenment, so she spouts things like "you'll never be ready" whenever somebody tries to gain the faintest clue what she's on about or why she's being so aggressive . "Ready for what?!" was Steph's reply. The answer would be purely "ready to know what I know" - she can't bother imparting this "wisdom", even though she obviously has contempt for anyone who doesn't have this "awareness" or any desire to "earn" it from her.

Charlie was similarly deluded and self-important but slightly less articulate because she lacked the bed of psychoanalytic discourse to support her. You know what they say - a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Or something.

By J Clark
June 12, 2008 @ 2:13 pm

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> Incidentally I think they were wrong to put Michael in there. Not because they shouldn't give a blind person a chance but because it means an automatic win for him due to sympathy.

Recent progress with Mikey - his awful and potentially offensive stand-up, washing his cock with a drinking glass - suggests, as I think we all suspected, that his success is far from guaranteed.

By Andrew
June 25, 2008 @ 1:43 am

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That joke of his was magnificent, though, if only because it really pulled the rug out from underneath the housemates, who had a bit too used to treating him like a 5 year old.

By Tanya Jones
June 30, 2008 @ 5:53 pm

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